Speaking Gigs

Over the years I've had many wonderful opportunities for public speaking. As president of the National Cartoonists Society I traveled widely throughout the country, meeting many of my cartooning comrades through public speaking appearances.
I've also been fortunate to participate in many charitable appearances, including the B.C. Open Golf Tournament, and "Cartoons for Cocktails," an event sponsored by the Volusia Literacy Council.
Recently, I've been a convention speaker at the Florida Fire Chiefs' annual convention in Marco Island, Florida.
What I've found through these experiences, is that audiences everywhere appreciate the humorous presentations I provide. I usually tailor my presentations to each specific audience, talking about everything from the creative process, to doing "stand up" material with my cartoons as punch lines. The Florida Fire Chiefs loved some of the fire related cartoons in my repertoire.
If you're looking for a family-friendly and humorous presentation for your next gathering or convention, please feel free to contact me. I have a lot of fun doing these appearances, and I think your audiences will enjoy them too.
Bruce Beattie